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Buying Guides

Our Top 6 Easy Tool Storage Solutions from STANLEY® Tools

You’ve taken the time to research the best hand tools, power tools, accessories and PPE for the job — but how do you store all of it? How do you move all of it? The right tool storage solutions not only make moving and transporting your tools easy, but they can even make your jobs more organised and your van tidier. However, with such a large range of tool storage solutions out there how do you choose?

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7 Helpful Tips for Choosing the Best Speedskim For You

The OX Tools Speedskim range has rocked the plastering world for close to a decade now. It’s had a divisive past — possibly the plastering world’s answer to marmite for a while there — but now I think we can all agree that it is a great tool to improve the quality and finish of huge areas, while reducing plastering time, fatigue and overall stress levels of the daily plasterer.  

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The Ultimate Guide to Paint Rollers

The Ultimate Guide to Paint Rollers

Paint rollers are a staple when it comes to decorating and are used by almost every professional and DIY enthusiast to quickly paint large areas. The problem is there are so many roller frames and roller sleeve types available. In this article, we will look into the different types of roller sleeves and roller frames and what you can expect from each of them to help you discover which paint roller is right for you.

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Product Review: 4 Things To Know About Two Fussy Blokes Rollers

Two Fussy Blokes rollers burst on the decorating scene a few years ago. Since then the brand has gone from strength to strength. Decorators use rollers every day and many big name brands have a number of different rollers in their ranges. Where Two Fussy Blokes are different is that they came to market with a single mini-roller in two nap lengths, but why i hear you ask?

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